A review by thegrimreaders
The Rain by Joseph A. Turkot


This book is kind of hard to summarize beyond the goodreads summary, so instead I’ll share the many things it featured that I love in my sci fi:

-Some kind of sci fi nature element, I loved that this book used constant rain (like for 20 years straight) and the possible effects of global warming and pollution as the main “villain” in this story. The descriptive imagery of what long-term water exposure does to humans will stick with me for a while…

-Alternating POVs and timelines that showed two completely separate views of the progression of the rain and how the earth declined because of it. I found both POVs equally riveting and highly enjoyed both of our main characters and their character development

-The focus on said characters and their relationships with their families, found families, and people working against them. I cried once or twice throughout because I had such a connection to some of these characters and was devastated by what was happening to them

-Creepy creature feature horror in the “face eaters” that would roam around searching for their next cannibalistic meal. I’ll never think of fully dialated eyes the same way