A review by merlin_reads
Caught Up in Us by Lauren Blakely


 This one was a little disappointing. I went in really liking the premise. Girl gets her first love. Then gets her heart broken by first love. Then girl is matched up with boy as her business adviser. She's still hurt and wants answers. Sounds interesting right? Well, it wasn't so much.

When she was 17, Kat fell in love with her older brothers friend, Bryan. They ended up having a secret relationship but ultimately Bryan ended things with Kat. Scorned, Kat turned her heartbreak into a jewelry business and is now working towards her MBA. When she gets paired with Bryan as her adviser she panics. But all too soon this turns into a flirty relationship and then into a sexual one.

My main issue with this is how mad Kat is toward Bryan for most of the book until he flirts with her and then suddenly she's like what heartbreak? And openly pursues a relationship with him. No talk of the past, no explanations as to why it ended. Literally nothing. Kat was a very weak character in my eyes who stood for nothing. Bryan wasn't much better honestly. We literally learn nothing about him except he's literally scared of anything regarding a relationship. And I'm just supposed to believe he's been pining over Kat for five years. I got nothing from him in that relation. It just seemed like he wanted to just pick back up with the sexy times.

I didn't connect with any of the characters and the plot was also just not that believable. And possibly the worst part was that I didn't root for them to be together. As a romance book, that's the one thing you want.