A review by rosaryoleander
A Darkness of Dragons by S.A. Patrick


A phenomenal work for a debut children's novel. My only sadness was that the sequel was supposed to come out in 2019 and the release date is 2021. Patrick is clearly a talented children's author with an exciting story to tell. The story draws you in easily, and sets up each of the characters nicely. It then grips you with a daring adventure, and blossoming friendship between the main trio.

Patrick clearly started this with a much larger story in mind, leaving many threads loose at the end of book one, however the main plot of this first book is tied up well, and sets up the second book with a clear direction.

I do feel like I have only just got started in this story, however, so if you don't like having to wait for more, I would urge you not to read this until the series is finished so as not to sully your enjoyment.