A review by davecapp
The Future of Humanity: Terraforming Mars, Interstellar Travel, Immortality and Our Destiny Beyond Earth by Michio Kaku


For those readers looking to get out of the proverbial box of linear thinking, Dr. Kaku has a solution. This book is an exploration of the possibilities of science as mankind journeys to the stars. It begins with a bit of history and then makes logical steps, driven by ideas around the technologies that will be needed, for the evolution of our species from planet based, to solar system based, and eventually to a galactic focused species. Dr. Kaku references (and explains) quantum theory, string theory, light sails, Ion drives, worm holes, and everything in between, while giving his views on the viability of each in our overall transformation as a species. Asimov fans will love the many references to the Foundation and Empire series. Overall an interesting read, for those looking to expand their horizons a bit.