A review by mountie9
Hold Fast by Blue Balliett

As danger closes in, Early, her mom, and her brother have to flee their apartment. With nowhere else to go, they are forced to move into a city shelter. Once there, Early starts asking questions and looking for answers. Because her father hasn't disappeared without a trace. There are patterns and rhythms to what's happened, and Early might be the only one who can use them to track him down and make her way out of a very tough place.

The Good Stuff

Very unusual and truly unique
Fast paced and totally engrossing, I did not want to put it down
Early is a wonderful character that you cheer for and want to help
Heartbreaking, honest and real
Focuses on the power of words, a love of language and the library world - of course I am going to love it
Highlights the plight that families that are homeless live through - the prejudice they fight, the lack of resources, help and understanding
Stays with you long after you finished reading
Stresses the importance of family and hope
Not in your face or preachy with the moral aspect of the story - just shows you what life can be like for those forced onto the street and into shelters - very impressive gift Ms Balliett
Will be looking for other works by this author as I was so impressed
Adding this to my Staff Picks at work

The Not so Good Stuff

Her writing style may put off the type of reader that would benefit the most

Favorite Quotes Passages

``Books are produced in batches, and the first printing is like the first batch of cookies from the oven. It`s the one everyone wants.``

``No one official seemed to be too concerned. It was almost, Early thought, as if you weren`t 100 percent human when you came into the police station on the wrong side of the front desk. If you were upset, it was unreasonable. If you had a question, it could wait. Just the fact that you were there seemed like a strike against you. Right then Early made herself a promise: she wouldn`t be helpless, not ever, not if she could see a way out. She wouldn`t allow that to happen. She could see that being helpless in a situation like this was dangerously close to becoming just less.``

``It`s so fun, like seeing a movie with popcorn, only better, because it stays in your head as long as you want it to and then you can go back and see parts of it again.``

Who Should Shouldn't Read

Would be perfect for a class read
For anyone of any age with a love for the written word
The reluctant reader might have a hard time with this one which is a shame

4.75 Deweys

I received this from Scholastic in exchange for an honest review (You KNEW I would love this one didn`t you Nikole)