A review by jessraven
Doctor Who: The Stone Rose by Jacqueline Rayner


This was probably the fastest I've read a book in a while. It's been years since I've read a companion novel of any sort (the last time I did, it was a High School Musical book, so that should tell you something), but I absolutely LOVED The Stone Rose. It was like an extended episode of Doctor Who, and it was brilliant. No, it was fantastic. No, it was- oh, I think you see where this is going.

Essentially, I decided I wanted to read the book because a bunch of fans on DeviantArt were raving about it. Who was I to argue with a slew of wonderful Whovians telling me to give it a go?

Thank Rassilon I did! It was over 250 pages of the Doctor's quippy humor, enough TenRose fluff to make me squeal for a week, and, surprise surprise, I cried. Well, actually, it's not all that surprising. I cry at everything, and it wouldn't be Doctor Who if it didn't make you weep in a dark corner all alone for days.

If you're a fan of the television series, then I would highly recommend you give the book, or any of the other novels in the companion series a try. I know I'm eager to get my hands on a few more. Allons-y!