A review by jeremyfee
Abyss by B.K. Greenwood


I received a free copy of this novel, but my review is, of course, my honest opinion.

Echoing my words from having read the previous book in this series, it comes across as an amazing mix of Gladiator meets Highlander, but this time I noticed vibes from Mission Impossible and Indiana Jones mixed in. The religious elements are similar to the type you might find in a Dan Brown mystery. Overall, it's a fun and exciting read with an immortal protagonist up against his best friend turned enemy as the protagonist of the series.

As the second book in the series, this novel had action-packed pacing with cinematic "set pieces" with the point of view presenting different battles throughout time for both the protagonist and antagonist. There are quests built into the story, as both sides attempt to find and retrieve important artifacts. I like the way this trilogy is setup, with the second book leaving me with wanting to read the third book to see how in the world the heroes will overcome the difficult odds they are facing.

Side note: the author's website has signed copies available, so if you're interested in that, you may want to get the books directly from there instead of buying them from another website.

I recommend this book to fans of action-packed, fast-paced stories with religious elements built into the mystery and backstory.