A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
The Good Luck Girls by Charlotte Nicole Davis


The moment I discovered this book in my Book Box I was entirely surprised. This book hadn't been on my radar, no one had been talking about it and at first glance it didn't really seem like a book for me either. But, it's a really important and very well done book and I'm really glad that thanks to the buddy read I ended up reading it.

Without info dumps or lengthy explanations Davis manages to create a world that's so vivid and raw and in a way mirrors our world perfectly too. The prologue is so incredibly strong and sets the mood and atmosphere for the entire story and then we switch perspective and the actual story starts, about five girls going after the only thing they actually want: Freedom.

The five girls are all very different, but although there are moments they disagree and mistrust each other, it's never about bringing each other down. They combine their forces and talents and that's what eventually gets them through the country. We see each of the five girls grow and develop, carrying their own history and story and learning how to deal with everything that has happened to them. And we most of all see how Aster, the girl trying to keep everyone alive, finds her own purpose and who she truly wants to be.

The combination of the vivid and raw world and the lovely characters I've grown to love with a wonderful writing style that makes this book a fast read leads to a wonderful book about prejudice, about a government already stifling people at birth, about injustice and about five wonderful girls taking matters into their own hands and discovering they are much stronger then they always thought they could be.