A review by antlersantlers
Conversation Pieces: Poems That Talk to Other Poems by Harold Schechter, Kurt Brown


I came across this little book when someone else requested it. It is exactly what I like in a poetry book: funny, heartfelt, well-documented (footnotes are ideal, but a side-by-side reference and referent will do great), and nuanced. Poems can be so interestingly referential, but I hardly ever know the reference point. This mini-anthology draws from such a wide range of poets across the globe and across time, which is a particular delight since I am not super well versed in poetry. I think the narrow scope is very endearing and the selection of poems and poets is quite thoughtful.

Additionally, I really love the Everyman's Pocket Poetry books. They're so small and lovely and are just terrifically designed. On this one the spine has a pattern made from small quotation marks and the title page has a pattern of exclamation and question marks, but in a small and sweet way, not in a tacky way. I like being able to tuck this away and carry it with me. That's where it belongs.