A review by klarial
Anew by Chelsea Fine


This book was entertaining. The writing was better than some other new YA authors I have read, even if it did have some awkward parts in the dialogue. The characters were likable and I did really like the "cliffhanger" ending. I agree with another review which noted some similarities to the Fallen books (destined lovers, reincarnation over centuries, etc), but I liked this book much more than that series. I liked the love triangle and wanted to know more about the back story (I am kind of a sucker for the brothers thing, however. I love the triangle in The Vampire Diaries as well) between Tristan, Gabriel, and Scarlet. All in all, I think this book was everything a good YA book should be: interesting plot, likeable heroine, and compelling romance. It was a fun read and I will definitely read the rest of the series.