A review by storieswithsoul
Legend's by Mark McQuillen, Mara Reitsma


It's a remarkable story which kept me engrossed right from the very beginning. There is so much happening in this novel, so many turns and twists, it's truly an amazing read.
Navina dreams about things that are not her memories, or may be they are, she doesn't remember much of her past. All she knows is that she was one of the Order. They are destined to witness what happened in the Verse but they cannot interfere. When ever she has one of her dreams she right it down. May be some day these things will make sense to her... Lync is her male. No one knows who or what he actually is. All they know is that he is not human, and that he can't live without Navina. Kember is a witch and their best friend.
When their world is threatened they're forced to work with daughters of the Lord of Darkness, and their mates to try and unravel the mystery of their past, present, and future. Sometimes things go their way, sometimes not so much, but through it all they learn to survive. Slowly the mystery will be solved. But there is still more to come....
The story is set in a fantasy world. It's a mixture of sci-fiction, paranormal, fantasy, romance, and adventure. In other words this book is perfect for anyone who loves to read fanciful stories.
I received a complimentary copy of this book to voluntarily leave a review.