A review by nickscoby
Piecing Me Together by Renée Watson


This book is a SLEEPER and a keeper. Another reviewer described it as "quiet," and I like that. Quiet in terms of it sneaking up on you and smacking you in the back of the head in terms of its protest. Would love to get Renee Watson together with Elisabeth Acevedo because . . . wow! For starters, I'm always floored when I come across a text that captures my experience as a working-class, Black first-gen to college woman with a single mother. I've only come across that with the movie Step and another novel. (I can't recall the name right now) Additionally, Watson keeps the focus on the experiences of women and what is unique and special about that perspective. She also addresses class differences in a very nuanced un-Disney kind of way. The relationships feel earned and not at all easy or cheesy. Highly recommend!