A review by lucas_delap
The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism by Naomi Klein


There’s not much to say that hasn’t already been said about this book: it’s extremely well researched, and written. It informs you on many fairly recent global events that are written as a series of case studies over the terrible outcome of the shock doctrine and neoliberal economic policies in many countries.

However, there is one serious problem with the book; the lack of a counter-argument. Throughout the book klein gives you a very one sided take on the shock doctrine which is clearly very much against it and it’s principles. I’m not saying that she is wrong, personally I agree with her. The problem is that the book would have benefited from a perspective or argument that supported the shock doctrine, and countered Kleins points. The reason for this is two folded. Firstly, it would have made the book more interesting. Secondly, by nullifying any pro-neoliberal economic arguments the case against give such ideas would be have been strengthened.

That all said because the book was so riveting, informative, detailed , interesting and captivating, I would definitely recommend it.