A review by marystevens
Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers by Kwame Anthony Appiah


Kwame Anthony Appiah says globalization has not brought homogeneity. "No one could say that the world's villages are -or are about to become -anything like the same". Everywhere people prefer local soap operas to American TV even if they do like some other American TV. "You can get Coca Cola on every continent. In Kumasi you will get it at funerals. Not...in the West of England, where hot milky Indian tea is favored." Levi's are everywhere, but they are formal attire in some places and casual wear in others.
Appiah roams through all the philosophical cross cultural issues but he raises more questions than he answers. He also seems to assume that problems will be resolved by the cosmopolitans through national governments. He has no conception of the corporate sponsored race to the bottom or the power of corporations to control the agenda. Of course this was written long before the threats to the open internet that we see today. But that's one example of what's coming with globalization.