A review by katyanaish
The Magic of Discovery by Britt Andrews


I'm going to do this lazy style and make this a review for all 5 books in the series, since I blitzed through them and they've kind of run together in my head as a single long story. But blitzing through them like that kind of tells you something already. ☺️

So first of all, I want to say thanks to all the reviewers who called out that this series has HUGE cliffhangers. I held off on reading it until they were all out because of that, and that's great because these cliffhangers would have killed the series for me. There are some cliffhangers I'm fine with - shocking info drops, twists, cool. But the "whoa, a main character might be dead" level cliffhangers are a no-go for me, I'd have rage quit. And every book had something on that level until the finale. That means that I won't read this author going forward until series are complete, but that's fine.

There's a lot I really enjoyed about this series, but there were occasional blips of TSTL that kept it from really shining. Like, hey, you are being targeted. How about you fucking stop insisting on going off to do something alone, ffs? And it wasn't just the FMC, it was all the leads - sometimes they made spectacularly stupid choices. One of the ones that infuriated me the most is that they
Spoilercontinually chose to not kill one of the main villains of the series when they captured the person, because they didn't want to give the FMC a sad. Fuck. That. This villain outsmarted them on more than one occasion, and literally killed one of the leads. KILL THEM! If that gives someone a sad, that person can eat a giant bag of dicks.

Also, as a heads up, there's an abusive ex who keeps stepping into the picture, and there's some pretty horrific torture/abuse that I had to skim because it was pretty upsetting.

But overall I liked it a lot. Will read this author again, the next time she completes a series (because fuck those cliffhangers).