A review by kwurtzel3
Hanna Who Fell from the Sky by Christopher Meades


In my own defense, I picked this up at the library because it was sitting on the shelf next to a book that I'd been wanting to read for a while. And it seemed weird and vaguely creepy and it seemed way outside of what I normally read. So I took a chance.

I can say, five hours later, that I should not have taken that chance.

I can't figure out if I read it so quickly (in just a few hours) because I thought this book was so bad that I had to get it over with, or because I wanted to see if it got any better. The characters are poorly formed, the whole thing is like a matryoshka doll of cliches, and I was bored to death by the will-she-won't-she of the plot. The ending was unsatisfying. The whole book was unsatisfying.

And overall, the entire book felt like the weird fetishization of a straight white man. Not impressed.