A review by kidisitor
The Complete Irreparable Boxed Set by Sam Mariano


This is a forbidden and unconventional romance. There are triggers (of the sexual variety) that may not be suitable for sensitive readers. There is also cheating involved, if that is something you don't like to read about, you have been warned. It has that mob mentality to it, but that, for the most part, is in the background. There are threats, but aside from the initial start to the story, no real violence. There is a lot of heartache throughout the story, (and not just for the two main characters.) It's got a Stockholm Syndrome vibe, and that is one of the main causes for stress for all the characters involved. While there is some darkness, in a few scenes, the majority of the book isn't too dark. Not light-hearted, but not really dark... other than some of their thoughts. It's an interesting story, and I felt like both the 'Hero' and the 'Heroine' had realistic thoughts about all the things that happened. Even though she was a victim, she wasn't really weak. And while he was the 'villain,' he wasn't evil. Oh don't get me wrong, he had faults, but his heart was in the right place... most of the time. He was one of these people who you felt for even when he was doing horrible things, knowing he felt he had no other choice. Together, they helped one another work through everything that had happened and were able to move forward. It's a well crafted and thought out story. Well written. It alternates between POVs. There is, obviously, sexual content. Due to that and the subject matter of the book, this is intended for mature readers.