A review by a_chickletz
Antioch by Jessica Leonard


This was one of my Night Worms books! (If you haven't already signed up for their subscription box, do it.)

This book sounded creepy. Like something akin to a R.L. Stine Babysitters novel. So I set my expectations up a little high.

What I got? ... A lot of confusion, disappointment, and a story that left me feeling like I missed another book in this tale.

The protagonist is an adult (in her late twenties) who makes this weird ritual by listening to a radio trying to find out what happened to Amelia Earheart. ... You know the pilot who vanished in 1920's? ... Yeah. That's what starts this whole thing off: the radio starts letting her hear missing girls, dead girls, the killer on the radio?

By the end of the book, I couldn't comprehend what was going on and I started thinking she was hallucinating and was actually the killer.

There is a killer who is cutting off the heads of people and imapling them on spikes, and goes by the name 'Vlad the Impaler'. ... but the mystery, the killer in general, the point of the book is so... messy that you really stop caring and you are just trying to sort out your mind.

There are also a LOT of red herrings. And I mean, to the point where everyone is a suspect but in a bad way because you can't get a real reign on the plot.

Idk, I just wasn't a fan.