A review by ladyfives
Bloody Fool for Love by William Ritter


Drusilla considered. "Do you know that feeling you get," she asked, "when you're killing somebody, and they haven't quite given up? That fleeting moment when you know they're already dead, but they still haven't figured it out yet?"
"We were talking about where we'd like to live," said Spike.
"Yes," said Drusilla. "That's where."

Unholy hell this was SO GOOD! Ritter was the right man for the job with his quippy writing and willingness to write truly silly, borderline-campy scenes. Also, it was a heist novel all along, which I love—especially when you throw some supernatural fiends in there.

Something that always irked me about BtVS was that its big hyped-up villains almost always ended up looking weak and unbelievable at best, stupid and cartoonish at worst (mix of having to wrap their stories up quick, poor special effects, and all the snark?). Spike still strikes me as a victim of that. So it’s great to see him here—believably the vampire who killed two slayers, but still love-sick, chaotic, careless, and clever.