A review by allingoodtime
The Cowgirl Meets Her Match by Kristin Vayden


In my review of The Courage of a Cowboy I said I wasn’t a fan of Sterling. I also said I was I was sure I would learn to love him. Thank goodness I was right! Sterling is adequately chagrined for the way he acted in that book. The author even gives us a peek at Sterling, Kessed, and Jasper finding their way past any awkwardness in this story.

Harper has been through hell and back and has the internal scars to prove it. Although her brother Jasper knows most of her story, she really doesn’t open up or have anyone to talk to about her past. Until Sterling comes around. As much as she loves Jasper and feels safe with him, since he’s her brother she still keeps little pieces to herself which is actually preventing her from healing. Once Harper and Sterling recognize their kindred spirits in each other, they are both able to finally continue their healing.

The way Sterling helps Harper learn to not only trust him, but also trust herself, is really touching and quite sexy. But Sterling needs to learn to trust himself, too. He doesn’t quite see that at first. He trusts his sister and he trusts Harper, but he really seems to sell himself short. This story is a really a story of courage and discovery for both the main characters.

Sterling does something in this story to mess things up big. What I really liked was the forgiveness he got from his sister as well as, eventually, Harper. In real life, we have to give second (and sometimes third) chances to those we love. Especially when they are making the effort. Otherwise, what’s the point?

I’m continuing to really enjoy this series and cannot wait to see what Kristin Vayden has in store for us next.

**I received an ARC of this book courtesy of Net Galley and the publisher. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and given freely**
