A review by wraithofbooksandbones
Chasing Sunsets by Karen Kingsbury


I'm a sucker for slow burn romances. Of course, I'm a bit of an idiot for reading the second book before the first...but to be fair my friend let me take it once she saw me sneaking it from her pile of books and reading it.
Anyways I really love the writing of the story and how all of the narratives intersected, where you could see both sides of the situation (and be able to keep the POV straight, which in itself is an admirable feat). The growth of all characters was not just awesome, I found to be very realistic, over the course of the book. Sure, there were twists and other points where one could "know" what was going to happen next. Regardless, they really pulled at my heart-strings and then TORE THEM OUT AT THE END. Ugh.
Since it has been a few months since I read this I can't say that I had anything bad to say about the book. Maybe a couple cliches happened (but, and maybe I'm in the minority for this, isn't that the point of cliches? They are loved because they work but they also need to be new in order to stay both relevant and loved in today's reading culture; which thankfully happens in "Chasing Sunsets").
Now I need to get the first and second books. TO THE LIBRARY!!!