A review by agirlushouldknow
The Jungle Book: The Mowgli Stories by Rudyard Kipling


The audio production of this is very good. I lately have been complaining about productions but not this time.

In addition I have never read the stories themselves. I have only seen the Disney movies and I was pleasantly surprised by the richness of the story. I had assumed they would be somehow less. Even so though there was a thread in the writing that bothered me when comparing the animals to Mowgli and then it dawned on me.

My problem being is how Rudyard Kipling himself and his writings are inexorably interconnected with racism and the superiority of the white man. Reading just the Mowgli stories reduces my exposure to the other portions of the Jungle Book, but I have read parts of the other stories such as "White Man's Burden".

I realize some people say to separate the artist from the art, or that some of the art can be salvageable and I don't think I can do that with this story. I will give it 2 stars, but that is because of my connection with Disney.