A review by anniehawkinson920
The Science of Stuck: Breaking Through Inertia to Find Your Path Forward by Britt Frank


The Science of Stuck is an informative, practical read, and something I’ll definitely recommend to my therapy clients. I listened to the audiobook, and found it really digestible and enjoyable to listen to. Frank provides a great combination of psychology, personal experience, and actionable tips. I really appreciate how she explicitly states who this book is and is NOT for. Sometimes psychology books can seem like they’re trying to provide answers for everyone, which ends up alienating groups of people. Frank acknowledges biases and limitations in her research and advice, which is so important for a book like this. However, some of her research seems a bit limited and over- used (for example, she cites The Body Keeps the Score throughout the book, which is a great book, but the author was fired from his executive role for mistreating employees, and has abuse allegations against him. There are SO many other researchers she could have cited). I recommend this book if you’re feeling stuck, ready to make a change, or curious about how to improve relationships - just keep in mind that this is only one therapist’s perspective on things, and it’s okay if her views don’t align with your lives experience.