A review by reader_
The Paper Bark Tree Mystery by Ovidia Yu


This is the third book in the Tree series by Yu and i enjoyed this one as much as i had enjoyed reading the previous books. Here, we move further in time during the colonial period where the second world war is looming large on the horizon even as Singapore is not free from its dangers.

Su Lin is no longer working at the detective shavk because Bald Bernie wanted a suitable person (read a white person) at such a position of responsibility. But when Su Lin finds Bernie dead, she is determined to find who killed him. Add to the plot Chirag Bose, a young Indian revolutionary who has escaped to Singapore and who is believed to have killed Bernie. But Lin is sure there is something more about.

The book is full of political upheavels on Singapore as well as the fight for independence going on in India. Lots of tension happens because of the unfair treatment of Prakesh Pillai and Dr Shankar, who are both of Indian origin. I just wish there was more of inspector Le Froy in the book! Onwards to the next (and the latest) one now!