A review by tpaulschulte
Back Lash by Brad Thor


After the events in Spy Master, and the huge cliffhanger that Thor threw at us, and knowing the wait for the next book involved. There was a heck of a high mountain to climb for Thor and his creation Harvath. But, I have to tell you WOW! was the wait worth it.

At the end of Spy master, there is a clandestine meeting with Lydia Ryan, heir apparent to Reed Carlton and The Carlton Group, Harvath and his lady, Lara. The last thing we experience in that book is Lara yelling at Harvath to run... Duh, duh duuhhhh!

Spoiler alert....

We find out in Back Lash that Harvath is kidnapped by Russian Spetznatz and all of the others are killed. While being smuggled out of the US, Harvath is tortured and beaten, but as luck would have it, the military transport that he is flying on, loses control in a bad winter storm. dur to faulty equipment and crashes in the middle of Russian nowhere. Harvath survives and has to make his way to freedom in the blistering cold and in his poor condition.

What follows is a chase through inhospitable wilderness, that will keep you turning the pages. With the help of some local people , Harvath has to get to the Finnish border or meet his team enroute, all the while dodging a Russian guerilla force that is under strict orders from the President of Russia himself to not let him get away..

By far one of the most outstanding books in the series, which has had many.