A review by calila
Meant to Be by Karen Stivali


*A copy of this book was provided for free by the author in exchange for an honest review.*

So this turns out super ranty, proceed at your own risk.

Full Rant behind the spoiler tag:
This was not a book for me. While it was well written, I couldn't find a thing to like about the main characters I was supposed to be sympathetic to. Both main characters are married to other people for a lot of the story, but there is no physical cheating on their' parts, I know that's bothersome to some people so I want to be clear about that up front. But there is a massively inappropriate emotional affair. Marienne is supposed to be this "nice caring woman" but for me she was just weak willed and preferred to act as if everything just happened to her as if she didn't make her own choices. I felt for her at times in spite of that but mostly I just wanted to tell her to grow up and take stand if she was so unhappy. Daniel is the quintessential "Nice Guy", you know the guy who is supportive and understanding because you "aren't like other women", because you know most women are manipulative whores and bitches. Also find it quite disgusting that apparently his wife not wanting children is enough to make him think that he's never found anyone less attractive. Which leads me to talk about their spouses, who were by no means great people, but they weren't as bad as I'm clearly supposed to find them judging by how the characters think of them. Frank, Marienne's husband, was the worst of the duo. He rapes her on their wedding night, though I don't know if I only feel that way because we, the readers, are in her head for that. I think it's gray because I don't know she was clear that she wasn't in the right mind frame, which I know some people will have an issue with. But I also don't know that he would've cared. I think their marriage wasn't that bad, but that she didn't love him and he didn't really love her. It just seemed like they get married because it was expected and she found him "safe", after her horrible ex who stalked her and threatened to kill himself. Frank really just was curt and not that interested in Marienne's problems. Marienne also had a horribly toxic mother, to just really nail the "She's so alone and victimized" thread. Now to Daniel's wife Justine, she really got the short end of the stick and I'm so happy they divorced so she's free of Daniel's self. She's a business woman whose work is her priority so STRIKE ONE. Second, she likes sex! She has toys! She has even slept with someone whose name she didn't remember years later....the HORROR. STRIKE TWO. The third strike? She is honest about the fact that she doesn't want children, and that the idea baffles her. WHAT A BITCH. Doesn't she know you can't be a woman without wanting to spawn? That it's her duty? Those are her big "sins". That's it. That's what make it's totally okay that Daniel involves himself with Marienne, because honestly what could Justine expect when she has this PARAGON OF REAL Womanhood growing round with child next door where Daniel can see!

TLDR: *sigh* I just couldn't get past my negative reaction to the main characters self pity and smug sanctimoniousness to like them. I found everyone pretty unsympathetic and unrootable. However I am aware that a lot of people probably won't be bugged by the same things that personally bug me. I also don't typically have an issue with cheating or affairs, physical or emotional, if I can understand and root for them anyway. That doesn't happen in this book.