A review by eesh25
Brothersong by TJ Klune


It's finally over! Yes!

Disclaimer: If you consider yourself a big fan of the series, I'd recommend avoiding this review. Because even though I've liked every book in the series and rated it positively, at least part of this review will be me expressing my joy at never having to read another new book in the series ever again.

First, a synopsis; it's Carter's book. I think that covers it. We all know that Gavin left with Livingstone at the end of Heartsong, and Carter went to bring him back. There was an epilogue and everything. And if you're afraid you've forgotten stuff, not to worry! Because TJ Klune will take the time to recount the events of all three previous fucking books. It wasn't enough to have certain words repeated over and over—you'll never comprehend my joy at never having to read packpackpack ever again. Now, it seems we're just summarising stuff we've already read.

Not to mention the number of scenes that start with a story or flashback that's supposed to make the reader feel stuff. And no, I don't think aggravation's what the author was going for. There's also the whole thing about Ox's father saying he was gonna get shit all his life, a phrase that's been repeated so many times, it no longer has any fucking meaning!

*deep breath*

Ranting aside, I'm hoping you get why I'm happy to be done with the series. So much of it, this book especially, has been a repeat or flashback, and it's the opposite of what I like in a novel.

If it weren't for me really liking the characters and wanting to know how their story would conclude, I wouldn't have read past book 1. Because unlike a lot of people, I'm not a fan of Klune's writing style. And the book just seems to be written for someone a lot more sentimental than me. Or maybe I just don't feel sentiment via the method Klune uses, i.e. repeating things.

And despite what the previous 300 words might tell you, I liked this book. I didn't give it 4 stars for no reason. Carter is a great protagonist, I loved being back with Ox, Gordo and the others, I liked the way the story ended, and Gavin was a surprisingly wonderful character. I thought the romance was done quite well too. The book was funny and sweet, and it did make me feel emotions, just not always when the author might've intended.

This is another book, like the previous three, that I know I'll be going back to over the years. Because there's a lot to love. And the best part about rereads is that I can just skip anything that I find frustrating or slow or repetitive.

...And all the flashbacks, because fuck flashbacks.

The reason for the rant was simply that these books have tested my patience like you wouldn't believe, even as I liked them. This is the most serious case of 'it's not you, it's me' that I've ever had to face. I don't like some of the writing choices the author made. And I mean, I still kinda cringe at words like "pack" and "alpha." And don't ask me how that's even possible after the amount of werewolf books I've read/skimmed.

Overall, to end this barely-even-a-review, all I can say is that if you like the previous three books, you'll like this one as well. It's a satisfying conclusion to the story.

One thing I almost forgot to mention... Before the starting rant happened, I was gonna start the review by saying that the series should be renamed 'The Various Fuck-ups of Thomas Bennett.' Because oh my fucking god, the guy may have had good intentions, but the number of bad decisions he made could fill a four-book series. Oh wait, it already had.

And... I think I'm done.