A review by bcgg
The Secret Letter by Debbie Rix


Initially I was uncomfortable reading yet another book about the second WW. I have read a lot of them! In almost all, the Germans and the bad guys, the English the good guys and the Americans the saviours of all. But in this book, it brings out more about the people on both sides, doing what is right, and focusing on fighting cruelty and brutality.
I came to appreciate the groups like the White Rose and the Germans actually fighting against the Nazis. Against war.
I won't go into a lot of details as I don't like spoilers but there were a number of other things I learned about that I was unaware of.

All in all, a definitely more balance book about the war and more so, about the people.

I also have to give tremendous kudos for the narrator Jacqueline Quinn. She did an amazing job with the accents and especially giving each character an individual voice. That is something quite unique in audio books.