A review by thevoraciousbibliophile
The Fourth Courier by Timothy Jay Smith


The plot is amazing. I'll admit that I stuggled to keep up with the book at times, but I understood the the gist of it and it really is brilliant.

Dr. Sergej Ustinov is a highly valued Russian physicist, who lives in a controlled environment at a remote nuclear facility in Kosmonovo. He claims to have developed a portable atomic bomb for which there will be several buyers in the dangerous, flourishing black market.

General Dravko Mladic, the Head of Yugoslavian Secret Services and a Serbian nationalist has spine-chilling dreams. Dreams of a new Serbia, which is ruled by him. Dreams which include an atomic bomb that he is willing to pay a million dollars for.

Basia Husarska is the Director of the Bureau for Organised Crime in Warsaw. She has dreams of a future and will do anything to achieve them.

Joining Detective Kulski, FBI agent Jay Porter is sent to Poland to investigate a series of crimes committed by what seems to be a serial killer. But what is common between all the victims? Why were they killed? And who is the last victim, the fourth courier?

Jay is very good at his job. From the time that he appears on the scene, he sniffs clues out and comes to eerily correct conclusions based on the leads. He's able to make connections between what he sees and what others see and hear, which is what allows him to be in the right place at the right time, along with his partner, black and gay CIA agent Kurt Crawford.

A web of lies and deceit is expertly spun in this novel and just makes you want to read more. This tale, with it's twists and turns will keep you hooked until the very end.

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