A review by curls
Blood Heir by Ilona Andrews


I didn’t realize how much I missed this world until I was back in it again.

If you’ve not read the Kate Daniels series, it’s an urban fantasy that does magical murder mysteries in a post-apocalyptic America. Magic rises and falls in waves. It’s familiar settings (Atlanta and it’s surrounding suburbs) but also magical.

We follow Julie, Kate’s adopted daughter who left with Kate’s aunt at the end of the series to find her own way and learn magic.

Julie is familiar but she has changed, physically and emotionally. When she comes back to Atlanta, it’s home but it has changed too. Dynamics have changed and Julie finds herself navigating an Atlanta that is familiar but has also moved on without her.

There’s been a prophecy that Kate will die. If Kate is alerted to the danger, she will die. The only way to avoid this is Julie not telling Kate what is going on. I missed seeing Kate, but I completely understand why she is taken out of the story. And it gives Julie a chance to shine on her own.

Coming back to Kate Daniels is like putting on your favorite sweater. I loved seeing favorite characters, but if you are new to this series, there’s enough background info given that you won’t be lost. And maybe since it’s been years since I’ve read the original series, it was nice to have a refresher on who was who without it having a ton of infodump. I was happiest to see Derek again, but Hugh’s cameo was hilarious and made me eager for the next book in his series.

The main mystery of who murdered the good preacher is solved, but Julie still hasn’t stopped the prophecy. I’m looking forward to more books.