A review by celjla212
Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini


Helen Hamilton lives a simple life with her father in Nantucket, where she tries very hard to be as averages as possible. She keeps her grade good, but not great. She runs cross-country, but never seems to come in better than third place. At nearly 6 feet tall, the other kids at school think her a freak. But no one could guess what she really is...until a new family comes to town.

As soon as Helen lays eyes on the achingly gorgeous Lucas Delos, she tries to kill him. Literally, with her bare hands. But Lucas and his family are the only ones who might know why Helen acted that way, because she sure doesn't. As Helen grows closer to Lucas and the rest of the Delos family, she discovers secrets--some about herself, some about others--that will both excite her and break her heart. But there's really no time to think about it, when someone seems to want Helen and her loved ones dead.

Whew, this was a long book...and yes, it did take me some time to read it. This is because I didn't really get into the story until the second half.

The first part contained a whole lot of actions, without much explanation behind them. Helen wants to kill Lucas, Lucas wants to kill her, her stomach always hurts, they are both seeing creepy bloody ghosts. But we don't find out all the reasons for all of these events until much later in the book. To me a good chunk of the book seemed like filler.

But once things got rolling, they got awesome. I loved all the interactions and training scenes between Helen and the Delos family. As someone who grew up with just her dad, it was cool to see Helen being taken in by such a huge, loving clan.

When Helen began coming into her powers and using them, I was so excited. It's sad to think that there was something extraordinary in her, that she couldn't really explore for her whole life.

The Lucas/Helen relationship...yeah, I'm not too sure about it. It was the one main thing that bothered me, as I never really picked up on their connection. It felt forced to me, and took a creepy turn in the end. I guess we'll have to see what happens next.

If you love Greek lore, not just mythology and stories about the gods, you should really read Starcrossed. I found it quite original in a sea of supernatural YA books.