A review by jmkemp
Scotland's Stories of Home by Claire MacLeary, Mary Bauld, Marion Jean Bryans, Drew Black, Alan Warner, Jane Swanson, Des Dillon, AJ Clay, Sylvia Smith, John McGlade, Maggie Rabatski, Margaret Boyce, Tallawah, Julie Morrice, Sam Elder Gates, Elizabeth Cummings, Lorna Malone, Hannah Lavery, Beartrice Colin, Frances McHugh, Margaret McCardle, Shona Cook, Alicejan Sweeney, Vic Galloway, Derek Parkes, Anne F. Brown, Fran Brady, N. Whiteford, Kenny Pieper, Anne Brittain, John McCutcheon, Sine Kay Harris, Lisa Anne Fiona MacDonald, Pearlypearl, Catriona Lexy Campbell, Thomas Clark, Moira Cameron, Kirsty Logan, Irene Stevens, Shams, Uuganaa Ramsay


A good collection of wee stories and poems. Most of the content only uses a couple of pages in print, so there is a lot of content crammed in from a variety of sources. Some of it is from established writers but most seems to be from ordinary people sharing their memories of what home means to them, whether now or when they were growing up in Scotland. There's a high level of social history from the mid to late 20th century baked in here. Primary sources rather than analysis bit worth reading nevertheless.

It's well put together and an easy read, although there are a few thought provoking bits. For example, how many people really died during the Clydebank Blitz?