A review by a_musings
Benny & Shrimp by Katarina Mazetti


It took a while for the book to grab me, mostly due to the sort of sparse and efficient writting style. But as the story progressed, details immerged and I savored them, adding them to the information I'd already encountered so that by the end of the book, when the story really ramped up, I had this very layered and complete sense of who the characters were. It was all rather like an impressionist painting where you have to step back a little bit and let all the individual colors mingle in order to get the complete picture. And once you do... it is breath-takingly realistic, but soft enough for you to insert yourself and your own impressions into the painting... and story.

Despite the wonderful writing and character development, my favorite part was actually the ending of the story. I really appreciated the way that the author took on reality head-on and without fear. There was no other way it could end and even though the conclusion does not fit the standard "happy-ending" that many novels employ it is, nonetheless, completely satisfying.

It was a wonderful book!