A review by printingbetweenthepages
Empyrean's Fall by Nicole L. Bates


This book picks right up from where Empyrean left off. The characters that we met in book one really develop in Empyrean’s Fall. This is a dynamic development due to the living conditions and interactions among the characters.

I enjoy Nicole’s writing style so very much! I am enthralled in her storytelling and the beautiful world and characters she has created. This was another page-turner that I enjoyed so very much from start to finish.

I felt so many emotions during this one, from highs to lows and everything in between. I really found myself connected to the character's experiences.

I am saving the third and final book in the series, Empyrean’s Future for next month solely because I don’t want this story to end!

If you haven’t added this series to your TBR you really need to, it’s become one of my favorites.