A review by beckiebookworm1974
Divine Merit by Virginia Cantrell


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Release Date-29/1/16

"Divine Merit" was a new unique take on the Nephilim world.
A paranormal offering which I enjoyed much more than I originally thought I would.
This tale revolves around The Princess, Amira and the head of her royal guard and longtime crush Caeden.
It's full of the charm of a budding first relationship.
Whilst also the intrigues and power play of a royal court in action.
What started out as an easy read for me quickly evolved into a much more tangled web than I was originally expecting.
And once this pepped up it was non stop action throughout and a storyline that certainly kept me on my toes and more.
This book was definitely a pleasant surprise it contained well rounded likeable individuals as well as your classic villains and also had plenty of scope for further storyline development and growth.
I am so looking forward to seeing where this is headed and what lies in store for all as the plot develops.
Do give this a go, its a fantastic addition to its genre and if you like your paranormal these ones for you.
Thank You to the Author for providing me with an ARC of "Divine Merit" of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm