A review by myweereads
Roald Dahl's Book of Ghost Stories by Roald Dahl


“The crazy eyes staring at me beneath the matted white fringe of hair frightened me. Mad people are terrifying. One can pity them, but one is still afraid.”

Roald Dahl’s Book Of Ghost Stories is a collection of what he thought were the best ghost stories written. It begins with an introduction on the art of writing a good ghost story. What I like about this collection is that it still manages to creep the reader out. Ive seen that some readers have found the tales to be dated however I think it’s that traditional ghost story telling which gives them that intensity.

Some of my favourites in this collection are:

W.S. by L.P. Hartley

Harry by Rosemary Timperley

The Corner Shop by Cynthia Asquith

In the Tube by E.F. Benson

Christmas Meeting by Rosemary Timperley
Elias and the Draug by Jonas Lie

Playmates by A.M. Burrage

The Telephone by Mary Treadgold

The Ghost of a Hand by J. Sheridan Le Fanu

I found these particular stories to be spooky. I liked the range within them, how some were more in your face where as others were subtle with the eerie atmosphere. I think whilst reading these it’s easy to see how they may have influenced ghost stories of today as specific themes and characteristics are recognisable.

A fun wee collection of ghost stories picked out by an amazing author.