A review by amycbooks
Dining with Joy by Rachel Hauck


2.75 out of 5 stars

Overall I liked the book enough to finish, which is saying a lot because I wanted to quit reading several times.

This is your typical run of the mill romance story, so if you are looking to pick up a book that won't really shock you with the out come then this book is for you.

I did like Joy...most of the time. She was outgoing, loved her family, was willing to work hard. However, her constant battle of whether she should tell the truth just became annoying after the first 30 pages. Seriously, you're an adult, DON'T TELL LIES!

Luke was a decent leading man. I liked his willingness to pursue Joy however...he turned on her way to quickly when something happened that was completely out of her control. Seriously??? You say you love this girl???

Although the writing was decent and the plot was fairly interesting it took far too long to get where she was going. If you say something is going to happen on the back of the book and it takes until the last 75 pgs to get there...that is too slow. The seriousness of the "lie" just was stupid. Seriously, I don't think it was that big of a deal. And along those lines, it was never Joy's fault although EVERYONE blamed her for everything. Lastly, the jumpy feel of every scene just brought me out of the story. One minute we are having this sweet moment and cut to the next day...WAIT, how did that moment play out????

Lastly the ending was not really an ending. We get no resolve on how things played out and the ending was pretty much the ending to "Leap Year" minus the snarky Scottsman.