A review by git_r_read
Hallowed Bones by Carolyn Haines


Sarah Booth and Tinkie are called down to New Orleans to clear Doreen, a spiritual leader and healer. She's been accused of killing her infant daughter, but she's not worried as she knows she's innocent and everything will work out.
She tells Sarah Booth that the baby's father could be one of three men, but won't share the names.
Plenty of action in the investigation and in Sarah Booth's love life. She has two men to choose from, but one is taken by a manipulating woman.

And can Carolyn write an excellent cat fight!!

I love listening to a well-told story. I keep audiobooks in my car for my commute and for running errands. I love this series for just such occasions. I find myself sitting in the car in a parking lot or in my driveway for just a wee bit more Sarah Booth, Jitty, or Tinkie or CeeCee. I adore all three and would love to have friends like these four women...yes, I know Jitty is a spirit...though I sometimes wonder if Jitty isn't Sarah Booth's subconscious....