A review by hteph
The Crown Tower - Free Preview (The First 5 Chapters) by Michael J. Sullivan


Well, not bad, but utterly forgettable fantasy of the standard anglosaxian vanilla type. The anachronisms are thus numerous and all the tropes are religiously adhered to.
I keep comparing it to Lynn Flewellings nightrunner series, and keep losing to it (and I wasn't totally sold on that either, but atleast it had it own voice).
I would shelve this as a Eddings substitute, YA for US teens, afraid of sex but ok with clinically clean massmurder.
I may be ruined by Miles Camerons engaging combat scenes (and general level of historical "accuracy" ) but this is really combat on cartoon level.
I have the next book so I wont sneer at the so called plot yet ... but ... *eye-roll*