A review by ljwrites85
No Plain Rebel by M.C. Frank


We left Felix and Astra exploring the depth of the Clockmaster’s cabin, after discovering a secret basement full of banned objects including books, toys and Christmas decorations.

This second book takes the story to the next level and is one of the rare books I can say is even better than the first. Felix is no longer a ‘tin soldier’ and is beginning to wake up and see the world for what it really is. I like that we find out a bit more about the characters histories, including why Felix grew up in the Box (a terrifying prison) and Astra’s childhood in the rebel camp. Also the introduction character of Karim (he’s Felix’s adopted brother) made it even more interesting. He is a soldier like Felix although he is still under the control of the evil Chairman Kun.

I also love the developing relationship between Felix and Astra, (I am literally dying for these two characters to kiss but it’s forbidden by the laws of their planet).

I was a little sad that Ursa the polar bear didn’t make an appearance in this book, I would have like to have seen Karim’s reaction to her.

There are some fantastic twists and turns in the book, especially when you get nearer to the end, with another cliffhanger ending (you’re killing me, MC Frank). I know the final book in the series is out at the end of the year and I honestly can’t wait!