A review by user2366
Life's Too Short by Abby Jimenez


I know this authors writing has gotten better as ive read her most recent releases. But man was this book a challenge. This is another book where it was entertaining enough to finis but hated some key elements about characters and their actions

The FMC refused to talk about her youtube channel where she discusses her terminal illness but then is blinsided when the MMC doesnt know about it. FMC is angry with how he is coping with it despite knowing he has control issues. She is self aware but not enough to fill in what I think are character plot holes. 

MMC is also whip smart but didnt figure out the atomic size hints she kept dropping about dying.

The dialogue with the side characters are unbearable and feel unrealistic. 

I can't stress this enough that it bothers me that the FMC never discussed dying with the MMC prior to embarking on a relationship