A review by emisallbooked
The Clergyman's Wife: A Pride & Prejudice Novel by Molly Greeley


This was truly such a delightful book! I don’t read many “spinoffs” of classic novels but I’m glad I gave this one a go, I devoured it over a weekend. Here we get to see a continuation of Pride & Prejudice, the story of Elizabeth’s friend Charlotte who married the dreaded Mr. Collins. She’s made her peace with choosing comfort and stability over waiting for love but still can’t help but feel lonely. When she strikes up a friendship with a farmer, Mr. Travis, she finally feels heard, which is an issue as he is not her husband. This book explores Charlotte’s mind as she grapples with finally finding some emotional intimacy, which she sees as lacking from her marriage.

The writing style was an excellent balance of period and modern making it such a quick read. I of course loved being back in the P&P universe and seeing Lizzy and Darcy pop in at points, as well as learning more about Charlotte’s family. I think it was also a well done commentary on societal norms for the day, the push and pull for women wanting to find love in their husband but also needing security, and if they choose security how else can they fulfill their emotional needs? Overall I’d recommend this book if you love P&P or just Regency era, or if you need a quick, easy read after something heavier.