A review by annie_the_psycho
A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki


What really took this book from 5 stars to 4 was the intermittent chapters from Ruth's perspective that was really not at all as interesting as Nao's. I was so enthralled by Nao's story and what's happening to her that it felt like a real slog to read through Ruth's chapters and often found myself losing interest completely, and many times considered just skipping to the end of the chapter. Apart from that, this is an amazing book. Nao's character and story is so painfully real that it's difficult not to imagine that it actually happened and by the end you wish you could read even more about her.

If anything, this book has encouraged me to start my own journal to write about myself as a time being. Whether or not I'll leave it somewhere for a stranger to discover remains to be seen.