A review by wetherspoonsgf
Our Wives Under The Sea by Julia Armfield


I really thought Boy Parts was going to be the best semi-horror gothic unreality modern fiction I’d read this week.

It’s quite hard to not compare this book to Boy Parts. They capture the unsettling feelings of Not Knowing in two different directions, and where Clark is a master at capturing the Mean that your brain provides, Armfield is a master at taking the moments your brain attempts the profound and making them little runs of perfect language.

I love a parallel-stories narrative (blame Diana Wynne Jones) and I think here it does a great job of
textually mimicking the disconnect between Miri and Leah
while also letting Armfield do some very fun writing back to Lovecraft/the gothic horror recounting form.

Two sobs, neither in a Nero, and at least one moment where a loving relationship was so well captured I had to put the book down and smile at nothing for a while. I will, for a fact, read this book again.