A review by sallie82
Wicked Bite by Jeaniene Frost


Thank you to Edelweiss+ for an ARC of this book for an honest review

I love Ian and Veritas! They are possibly my favorite couple from the Night Huntress series. Their story is somewhat heartbreaking but so lovely as well. A 2,000+ year old vampire/demigod and Ian. Especially with Ian trying to remember what is happening at the beginning book and losing something that he knows is important but not how it's important. Veritas is such a great character. I understand why she is acting the way she does. Leaving an extremely powerful ally behind that can help her (and she explains why too!),

There were some aspects that I would consider standard and believe were predictable. However, its such a good story and so many twists and turns that I wasn't expecting. I can't wait to read the third book!