A review by psychobillygrrl
The Hive by Gill Hornby


The back of the book compares The Hive to Bridget Jones’ Diary and I very much agree. #Very British #Funny #Neurotic women.

Welcome to St. Ambrose, a private grade school where the mums form committees and go jogging together and apparently have a lot of time to socialize and host lunches while their kids are in school.

Meet Rachel, the main character if there is one. She’s been dumped by her husband and her best friend for no apparent good reasons. Will she find love? Of course! This is the kind of book where a handsome man is introduced pretty early on and for the sake of stretching it out into a book, they don’t immediately get together!

Meet Bea, the ex-bestie. She is the queen bee (get it? Bea?) and very cliquey. Does she get her come-uppance? You betcha!

Meet Georgie, a housewife and mother of many. She used to be a lawyer, but prefers being a housewife. She is not one to kowtow to Bea. Her best friend Jo, is very grumpy. Also not much of a participant in mom group things.

Heather, on the other hand, could best be described as a toady. Always wanting to get picked for things, bending over backwards to please. I loved how she develops from totally irritating to finally fitting in with decent people.

Bubba tries too hard to impress with her money and former power job. Alas, she makes a fool of herself over and over.

And Melissa, well, she is perfect. The new mom in town seems to fix all the problems St. Ambrose can throw at her new friends, from bringing a Malteser cake for the lowbrow boot sale attendees to providing actual psychotherapy.

There are others, such as Colette (on the prowl for a man), Clover (who can’t cook) and Sharon and Jasmine (who just fill out the group with nothing in particular). But they do not matter. What matters is, over the course of one year, Rachel falls for the new headmaster, Chris (Rachel’s ex) gets dumped himself, various fundraisers end in near disaster, allegiances change and the outsiders become insiders. I’d watch the movie. The only big surprise was that Bea and Chris weren’t secretly a thing, which would explain why both dropped Rachel at once.