A review by crypticspren
The Virus in the Age of Madness by Bernard-Henri Levy


Disclaimer: this was sent to me by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Overall, I give this 3 stars.

Concept: This book contains some great ideas about the state of the world, and how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected it. According to Levy, the manifestation of acute fear was the result of social media and the interconnected nature of our modern world.

Writing: As an academic (BA Hons, MRes) I certainly think this reads is researched very thoroughly. However, it read a little bit clunking and wouldn’t be that accessible for a more general audience. The points he makes are a tad over-written in places and the exact point he is making disappears into the abyss, and it was only through going back and re-scanning did I find it again.

Overall. I would definitely say that this book is informative and well thought out. The research is of a high quality and the author presents some complex arguments about human nature and the concept of fear and propaganda. However, the inaccessibility of this book and the over-written, clunky writing style pulls it down.