A review by ravensandlace
Summoner by S.D. Grimm


A special thank you goes out to Entangled Teen for allowing me to read this book! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

4.5 stars

Another book that has ripped my heart into shreds. I'm not sure how much more my heart can take these types of books. But damn, if they are addicting.

I think what is one of the best things about this book is it isn't just about the paranormal. It's about healing and the grief process and trying to get over survivor's guilt. I think because this book had those factors, it made it much more powerful. I kept thinking about well this book showed the grief process and how guilt can eat at people who survive.

Allie was a good character. She readily admitted her flaws, which is something I always admire in a character. She was clearly still grieving and still healing from her mom's death but she was slowly coming out of her grief, with the help of her friends and Cody. S.D Grimm shows the ugly side of grief, which is pushing your friends away and withdrawing. Allie also had really good character growth, which is always something I like.

Cody was such a broken character, it made my heart hurt. He carries so much grief and guilt, it was almost unbearable. Plus, I got to give S.D Grimm props for a disabled character. Cody is missing a hand and has scars. Now, I'm not disabled and I can't speak for the disabled community. But I do feel that S.D Grimm represented the feelings that Cody goes through missing his hand. And how others react around him. He had a lot of character growth as well.

I think what I really liked best, besides what I mentioned above, is that this a romance where both characters benefit each other and help each other positively. There is not obession or Cody being some sort of dominant alpha male. Allie isn't a b-word and she respects Cody's wishes and vice versa. It was a very healthy relationship and I can dig that.

Overall, I am impressed. This was a real solid piece of work and I'm glad I was given the opportunity to read it. It wasn't what I thought it was going to be but in the end, I'm glad it wasn't. I much preferred what I got instead of what I thought I was going to. I highly suggest that everyone check this book out!