A review by dantastic
Doomsday Clock: The Complete Collection by Geoff Johns


I didn't hate this but I wouldn't say I liked it either. Basically, it's a crossover between the Watchmen universe and the main DC universe. The art is good but the story is all over the place.

I feel like it tries too hard to be anything other than what it is: A cross over event. Too much of the story focuses on Marionette and Mime, the Watchmen universe equivalents of Punch and Jewelee, a couple mostly forgotten Captain Atom villains from the Charlton era. There's also a growing distrust of super heroes that feels ham fisted as hell and was obviously tacked on to create thematic parallels to Watchmen.

There were a lot of moments I didn't like, like Rorschach being able to waltz right in to Wayne Manor, or Firestorm not immediately suspecting some shenanigans when his powers affected organic matter. The Nathaniel Dusk asides were meant to parallel the Black Freighter bits in Watchmen but I don't think they accomplished much.

What else? Batman riding in Archie was cool. I guess the whole thing felt unnecessary. I feel like Johns was trying hard to make this a Big Important Comic like Watchmen but it feels like when my toddler walks around with my shoes on. He recognizes the shoes go on his feet but not that they're too big for him and he'd be better off wearing his own shoes.

Two stars. I got this for $7 and I think I would have been happier with the money.