A review by mrskatiefitz
Bookman Dead Style by Paige Shelton


This was another solid book in the Dangerous Type Mystery series. Though Clare's relationship to the accused killer seemed a little tenuous to me, I liked the involvement of Hollywood actors in the plot as well as the details about the state of Utah that gave me a stronger sense of the broader setting of the series than I felt in the first book. I also enjoyed the fact that there was a secondary mystery involving The Rescued Word itself. There were a number of new characters added to the mix in this book, and sometimes I had trouble keeping track of them. Personally, I would have liked to see a little more of Seth, though I do love that he is not in law enforcement and that Clare often partners up with her best girlfriend, Jodie, to solve crimes, instead of a boyfriend as is the case in many cozies. I also like where the author is taking things with Creighton, even though I don't especially like him, and I'm very curious as to where his bad behavior will lead him in future books. Finally, I loved reading about the invitation-only party that Clare and Seth attended, and I hope the fact that they will be invited every year from now on means we might see another one like it in a future book.